Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Better late then never!

     How do you stay on track with your training while trying to survive the holiday season? This is a question that almost every athlete has to answer around this time of year. In a season where meetings with families and friends come to a forte, it is often very difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible, to find time to get in your training. I know that for me, this holiday season has been one of my busiest yet, yet I will not allow myself to lose focus of my training goals. No matter what is going on I make sure to find some sort of time in my day to get my training runs in. Now, a lot of the time that has meant getting up way too early and going out when it is way too cold, but that is the sacrifice that I am willing to make to reach those goals. I will easily trade a couple of hours of sleep, or the time that I have to eat lunch to get my run in. This brings me to the point of this posting. The amount that you stick to your training during this season is directly connected to the amount that you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals. If you are truly set on running a certain race in a certain time, or just training up to be able to finish a race, then you will find time amongst all of the chaos to get your training in. There is always time in the day; you just have to want to find time for training. I know that it can be hard, especially with it being cold outside, but let’s try and stick to it and get out on the road, even just a few times a week.

     Oh and remember, exercise is a great tool for reducing stress, which is another thing that everyone is running high on right now! GO GET IT DONE!